Heading east in a Beat up Ford Van

Heading Home

Mojave Desert, California
The road. A shot through my side view mirror.

Mojave Desert, California
Look who is driving through the desert! Looks warm out there!~

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
Olga enjoying a little time off driving checking out the canyon.

Grand Canyon, Arizona
A wide angle shot of the canyon from the South Rim.

Grand Canyon, Arizona
If Olga is mad at me for putting "bad" shots of here up online. Check out this one of me. ha hahha

Grand Canyon, Arizona
Another nice picture of the Canyon!

Grand Canyon, Arizona
It's really a beautiful sight. But be careful not to fall in....its a long way down!

Grand Canyon, Arizona
A wicked wide angle shot of the canyon.

Grand Canyon, Arizona
This ain't a laughing matter. Don't mess with me. I am serious here at the Canyon.

Grand Canyon, AZ
Cool tree.

Grand Canyon, AZ
The canyon is a crazy place. It is so big and vast that its seems fake. Almost like you can reach out a grab it! Kind of like the blue screens for special effects in Hollwood. Vitural Insanity!

Painted Desert, AZ
The wild wild west! Yeeeee Haaaaaaa. Go get 'em six guns!

Painted Desert, AZ
We stoped at this tourist area about 10 miles west of the Petrified Forest. This place was called the Dinosaur Museum. They charged 5 bucks to stop and use the rest rooms and gift shot. They also had a 1 mile driving loop though the Painted Desert. WOW! It stunk. I mean there wasnt anything really special about it. But I did get some nice camera shots.

Painted Desert, AZ
The same stupid tourist stop! The guy who took our money was like, "ohhh yea and you can also see the Buffalo too!" Well, wooopie! The buffalo wouldn't even look up becuse they were chowing down on some food!

I-40, New Mexico
Getting some gas at a truck stop!

Amarillo, Texas
Goood Morning! Getting ready for a 16 hour drive to Highland, Illinios. If you are ever in Amarillo don't go to Dyers BBQ. It's in the guide book and that place is dark and scary. We got the menus and then walked out. Pretty weird place! But, we hit another place called the Texas Grill! Place kicked some solid Texas butt!

I-44, Missouri
New Friends! You know, its hard to meet new friends on the Highway.

Cambridge, Ohio
Only one days drive from Long Island. Time to party!

Cambridge, Ohio
Take your time girl. One sip at a time. Man, save some for the fish!

Cambrdige, Ohio
Jaacuzi! Jaaaaaacuzi! Wow! This place had its own hot tub in the room! It was only 10 dollars more than the standard room! God bless the midwest! This place rocked!

Cambridge, Ohio
Olga looking sexy talking on the phone to mom and dad! Priviet!

Cambridge, Ohio
I am getting my fair share of abuse in for the night! Wow! I remember feeling sooooo happy having made it that far! It really was fun. This room was awesome. We got the suit, had taco bell for dinner and got 40's of Busch! May god bless America! Road Rules!

Cambridge, Ohio
In the morning I was still drinking and didn't want to get out of the Hot Tub! Arrg!

Cambridge, Ohio
Don't mess with me! I am hard core trucker with a bad attitude!

Cambridge, Ohio
Olga didn't want to leave either. She was really into this reclining chair.

Cambridge, Ohio
Olga. Got a serious case of the morning giggles! It was probably the midwest coffee or something.

???????, Pennslyvania
A Seven 11 diner! What the heck! You see come crazy things on the road I'll tell ya...."

?????????, Penn
Stopped and got some gas. The east was really happy to have us back. She welcomed us back with a nice bizzard! We made it back this same evening to Long Island around 7pm. We were welcomed by Olga's family with a very nice dinner!! We left for Boston the next morning. Hit the same snow storm again! Hahahhaa
